
Access the PDF documentation from the Help menu within Stata.



See the recommended viewer settings for viewing the PDF manuals.


You can also access the PDF entry from Stata’s help files. Each help file has a Title with the manual shortcut and entry name in blue. Click on the blue link in the Title.


Table of contents

Each manual has its own table of contents. A combined subject table of contents contains the complete table of contents for all manuals and is divided into the following subjects:



Getting started

Data manipulation and management




Matrix commands


Interface features


Click on a subject to go a the table of contents for that category.


Across the top of each entry are links to each section within the entry. Clicking onDescription, for example, will take you directly to the description of the feature.


The bookmarks on the left-hand side also give you direct access to an entry, as well as each section within an entry. Click on the +next to the title to list the entries. Click on the + next to an entry to view the sections for that entry.