The Edit Menu provides many standard textediting operations, such as Cut, Copy, and Paste, as well as Show Last Error, which is useful for debugging RATS programs.



Undoes or Redoes the last change to the active window (of whatever form).



For a text window, copies the selected text to the Clipboard, then deletes the text from the window. You can then Paste the text back into RATS, or into another application.



Copies the selected text, or the active graph, to the Clipboard.

Copied text can be pasted back into RATS, or into another application. It will paste as unformatted text.

Copied graphs can be pasted into other Windows applications, including wordprocessing programs, graphics programs, etc. RATS copies graphs to the Clipboard in several formats. Applications with a “Paste Special…” operation will allow you to select which format to use. A bitmap format generally provides the more accurate reproduction of the graph. Graphs cannot be pasted back into RATS. Note that you can also save graphs to disk (using Save As… on the File Menu) in a variety of file formats, for later use in RATS or for pasting into other applications. You can reopen graphs saved in RGF format using FileOpen.


Copy Special/Copy as TeX

Copies the selected items to the Clipboard in a particular format. Currently, this is used to allow copying the contents of Report Windows as a TeX tabular object.



Inserts any text stored in the Clipboard into the active window at the current cursor position. This can be text cut or copied from within RATS, or from another application. Text is pasted as unformatted. You currently cannot paste graphs into RATS.



Deletes the selected text without copying it to the Clipboard.


Select All

Selects (highlights) all lines of text in the active window. Not applicable to graph windows.


Find…, Find Next

Searches for a specified string in the active window.



Searches for a string of text in active window and (if found) replaces it with another string.


Set Marker

Sets a marker at the current line so you can easily return to it.


Goto Marker

Moves the cursor to the position marked using “Set Marker”.


Select To Marker

Selects (highlights) all lines of text in the active window between the current position and the one marked using “Set Marker”.


To Lower Case

Converts selected text to all lower case letters.


Format Comments

Useful for turning several lines of text information into a formatted block of comments. This reformats the lines to a consistent length (set with the “Comment Length” field on File-Preferences), and inserts * (comment) symbols at the beginning of each line. Use Edit–Undo if you don’t like the results.


Comment-Out Lines

Adds an * (comment) symbol to the beginning of each selected line.


Uncomment Lines

Removes * symbols from the beginning of each selected line.


Indent Lines

Indents the selected lines (you can repeat this operation to indent further). The number of spaces to indent is determined by the “Indenting” field on File-Preferences. You might find it easier to use the Edit-Prettify operation if you have nested loops.


Unindent Lines

Unindents the selected lines. This trims leading spaces from each selected line, with the number determined by the “Indenting” field on File-Preferences. (If a line has fewer leading spaces than that, it is moved all the way to the left boundary).



Indents the contents of DO and DOFOR loops within the selected text. Nested loops will be indented to match the level. The number of spaces in an indenting level is determined by the “Indenting” field on File-Preferences. For instance, Edit-Prettify will replace


do i=1,5

do j=1,3

disp i j

end do j

end do i


do i=1,5

  do j=1,3

disp i j

  end do j

end do i


Show Last Error

Moves the cursor to the line which caused the last error.