Stata è un software statistico completo le cui potenzialità sono in grado di soddisfare un’ampia gamma di utenti accademici e professionali, in discipline quali economia, sociologia, psicologia, biostatistica, epidemiologia e altre. Stata include una vasta gamma di funzioni statistiche (vedi la sezione principali caratteristiche) e piene capacità di data management. E’ facile da usare per utenti alle prime armi, ma allo stesso tempo offre opzioni di programmazione sofisticate per gli utenti più esperti. Nuove potenzialità sviluppate e aggiornamenti ufficiali possono essere installati semplicemente tramite internet.
Stata è disponibile in tre diverse edizioni:
- Stata/BE è ideale per le banche dati di dimensione media
- Stata/SE permette di lavorare con banche dati molto più ampie rispetto a Stata/BE mentre
- Stata/MP è l’edizione più veloce, in grado di sfruttare le potenzialità di PC multiprocessori, inclusi Intel i3, i5, i7, i9 e AMD multi-core, Xeon, e Celeron. Consente per esempio di analizzare i dati a una velocità nettamente superiore: si risparmiano tra un terzo e la metà del tempo rispetto a Stata/SE su laptop dual-core economici e tra la metà e tre quarti del tempo su desktop e portatili con quattro core. Stata/MP è ancora più veloce su server multiprocessore; supporta processori fino a 64 core. Una velocità elevata è spesso cruciale quando si eseguono procedure di stima intensamente computazionali. Alcune delle procedure di stima di Stata, inclusa la regressione lineare, sono quasi perfettamente parallelizzate, il che significa che funzionano due volte più velocemente su una macchina con due core, quattro volte più velocemente su quattro core, otto volte più veloce su otto core e così via. E’ importante notare che alcuni comandi di stima possono essere parallelizzati più di altri. Considerandone la mediana, i comandi di stima sono 1,7 volte più veloci sulle macchine 2 core, 2,6 volte più veloci su 4 core e 3,4 volte più veloci sulle macchine con 8 core. La velocità può essere importante anche nella gestione dei dati di grandi dimensioni. L’aggiunta di nuove variabili per esempio è quasi parallela al 100%, mentre il comando di ordinamento dei dati è parallelo al 61%.
Consultare il rapporto Stata/MP per ulteriori informazioni sulle capacità e velocità dell’edizione Stata/MP.
Le edizioni di Stata (Stata/BE, Stata/SE e Stata/MP) si distinguono fra di loro secondo le caratteristiche indicate nella seguente tabella:
Stata/MP | Stata/SE | Stata/BE | |
Numero Massimo di Variabili | 120.000 | 32.767 | 2.048 |
Numero Massimo di Variabili Indipendenti | 65.532 | 10.998 | 798 |
Numero Massimo di Osservazioni | fino a 20 Miliardi | fino a 2,14 Miliardi | fino a 2,14 Miliardi |
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Funzionalità di Stata per Sanità Publica/Epidemiologia
LINEAR MODELS regression • censored outcomes • endogenous regressors • bootstrap, jackknife, and robust and cluster–robust variance • wild cluster bootstrap • instrumental variables • three-stage least squares • constraints • quantile regression • GLS • DID • … more
PANEL/LONGITUDINAL DATA random and fixed effects with robust standard errors • linear mixed models • random-effects probit • GEE • random- and fixed-effects Poisson • dynamic panel-data models • instrumental variables • DID • panel unit-root tests • … more
MULTILEVEL MIXED-EFFECTS MODELS continuous, binary, count, and survival outcomes • two-, three-, and higher-level models • generalized linear models • nonlinear models • random intercepts • random slopes • crossed random effects • BLUPs of effects and fitted values • hierarchical models • residual error structures • DDF adjustments • support for survey data • … more
BINARY, COUNT, AND LIMITED OUTCOMES logistic, probit, tobit • Poisson and negative binomial • conditional, multinomial, nested, ordered, rank-ordered, and stereotype logistic • multinomial probit • zero-inflated and left-truncated models • selection models • marginal effects • … more
CHOICE MODELS discrete choice • rank-ordered alternatives • conditional logit • multinomial probit • nested logit • mixed logit • panel data • case-specific and alternative-specific predictors • interpret results—expected probabilities, covariate effects, comparisons across alternatives • … more
EXTENDED REGRESSION MODELS (ERMs) endogenous covariates • sample selection • nonrandom treatment • panel data • account for problems alone or in combination • continuous, interval-censored, binary, and ordinal outcomes • … more
GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS (GLMs) ten link functions • user-defined links • seven distributions • ML and IRLS estimation • nine variance estimators • seven residuals • … more
FINITE MIXTURE MODELS (FMMs) fmm: prefix for 17 estimators • mixtures of a single estimator • mixtures combining multiple estimators or distributions • continuous, binary, count, ordinal, categorical, censored, truncated, and survival outcomes • … more
SPATIAL AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS spatial lags of dependent variable, independent variables, and autoregressive errors • fixed and random effects in panel data • endogenous covariates • analyze spillover effects •
ANOVA/MANOVA balanced and unbalanced designs • factorial, nested, and mixed designs • repeated measures • marginal means • contrasts • … more
EXACT STATISTICS exact logistic and Poisson regression • exact case–control statistics • binomial tests • Fisher’s exact test for r × c tables • … more
EPIDEMIOLOGY standardization of rates • case–control • cohort • matched case–control • Mantel–Haenszel • pharmacokinetics • ROC analysis • ICD-10 • additive models of risk • … more
DSGE MODELS specify models algebraically • solve models • estimate parameters • identification diagnostics • policy and transition matrices • IRFs • dynamic forecasts • Bayesian • … more
TESTS, PREDICTIONS, AND EFFECTS Wald tests • LR tests • linear and nonlinear combinations • predictions and generalized predictions • marginal means • least-squares means • adjusted means • marginal and partial effects • forecast models • Hausman tests • … more
CONTRASTS, PAIRWISE COMPARISONS, AND MARGINS compare means, intercepts, or slopes • compare with reference category, adjacent category, grand mean, etc. • orthogonal polynomials • multiple-comparison adjustments • graph estimated means and contrasts • interaction plots • … more
RESAMPLING AND SIMULATION METHODS bootstrap • jackknife • Monte Carlo simulation • permutation tests • exact p-values • … more
MULTIVARIATE METHODS factor analysis • principal components • discriminant analysis • rotation • multidimensional scaling • Procrustean analysis • correspondence analysis • biplots • dendrograms • user-extensible analyses • … more
CLUSTER ANALYSIS hierarchical clustering • kmeans and kmedian nonhierarchical clustering • dendrograms • stopping rules • user-extensible analyses • … more
NETWORK ANALYSIS nwcommands: import and manipulate networks • generate networks • calculate centrality and dissimilarity measures • visualize networks • … more
TIME SERIES ARIMA • ARFIMA • ARCH/GARCH • VAR • VECM • multivariate GARCH • unobserved-components model • dynamic factors • state-space models • Markov-switching models • business calendars • tests for structural breaks • threshold regression • forecasts • impulse–response functions • local projections • unit-root tests • filters and smoothers • rolling and recursive estimation • Bayesian • … more
SURVIVAL ANALYSIS Kaplan–Meier and Nelson–Aalen estimators • Cox regression (frailty) • parametric models (frailty, random effects) • competing risks • hazards • time-varying covariates • left-, right-, and interval-censoring • Weibull, exponential, and Gompertz models • … more
BAYESIAN ANALYSIS thousands of built-in models • univariate and multivariate models • linear and nonlinear models • panel data • multilevel models • VAR • DSGE • continuous, binary, ordinal, and count outcomes • bayes: prefix for 58 estimation commands • continuous univariate, multivariate, and discrete priors • add your own models • multiple chains • convergence diagnostics • posterior summaries • hypothesis testing • model fit • model comparison • predictions • dynamic forecast • impulse-response functions • … more
BAYESIAN MODEL AVERAGING full enumeration • MC3 and MH sampling • three model prior classes • fixed and random g-priors for coefficients • heredity rules • PIP for predictors • model ranking by PMP • BMA convergence • variable-inclusion maps • model-size distribution plots • jointness measures • log predictive-score • predictions • … more
META-ANALYSIS effect sizes • common, fixed, and random effects • forest, funnel, and more plots • subgroup, leave-one-out, and cumulative analysis • meta-regression • small-study effects • publication bias • multivariate • multilevel • … more
POWER, PRECISION, AND SAMPLE SIZE power • sample size • effect size • minimum detectable effect • CI width • means • proportions • variances • correlations • ANOVA • regression • cluster randomized designs • case–control studies • cohort studies • contingency tables • survival analysis • balanced or unbalanced designs • results in tables or graphs • group sequential designs for clinical trials • … more |
inverse probability weight (IPW) • doubly robust methods • propensity-score matching • regression adjustment • covariate matching • DID • multilevel treatments • endogenous treatments • average treatment effects (ATEs) • ATEs on the treated (ATETs) • potential-outcome means (POMs) • continuous, binary, count, fractional, and survival outcomes • panel data • lasso • casual mediation analysis • …more
LASSO lasso • elastic net • model selection • prediction • inference • continuous, binary, count, and survival outcomes • cross-validation • adaptive lasso • double selection • partialing out • cross-fit partialing out • double machine learning • endogenous covariates • treatment effects • … more
SEM (STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING) graphical path diagram builder • standardized and unstandardized estimates • modification indices • direct and indirect effects • continuous, binary, count, ordinal, and survival outcomes • multilevel models • random slopes and intercepts • factor scores, empirical Bayes, and other predictions • groups and tests of invariance • goodness of fit • handles MAR data by FIML • correlated data • survey data • … more
LATENT CLASS ANALYSIS binary, ordinal, continuous, count, categorical, fractional, and survival items • add covariates to model class membership • combine with SEM path models • expected class proportions • goodness of fit • predictions of class membership • … more
MULTIPLE IMPUTATION nine univariate imputation methods • multivariate normal imputation • chained equations • explore pattern of missingness • manage imputed datasets • fit model and pool results • transform parameters • joint tests of parameter estimates • predictions • … more
SURVEY METHODS multistage designs • bootstrap, BRR, jackknife, linearized, and SDR variance estimation • poststratification • raking • calibration • DEFF • predictive margins • means, proportions, ratios, totals • summary tables • almost all estimators supported • … more
IRT (ITEM RESPONSE THEORY) binary (1PL, 2PL, 3PL), ordinal, and categorical response models • item characteristic curves • test characteristic curves • item information functions • test information functions • multiple-group models • differential item functioning (DIF) • … more
DATA MANIPULATION data transformations • data frames • match-merge • import/export data • JDBC • ODBC • SQL • Unicode • by-group processing • append files • sort • row–column transposition • labeling • save results • … more
REPORTING reproducible reports • customizable tables • graphical tables builder • Word • Excel • PDF • HTML • dynamic documents • Markdown • Stata results and graphs • SVG • EPS • PNG • TIF • … more
GRAPHICS lines • bars • areas • ranges • contours • confidence intervals • interaction plots • survival plots • publication quality • customize anything • Graph Editor • … more
PROGRAMMING FEATURES adding new commands • scripting • object-oriented programming • menu and dialog-box programming • dynamic documents • Markdown • Project Manager • Python integration • PyStata • Jupyter notebook • Java integration • Java plugins • H2O access • C/C++ plugins • … more
MATA—STATA’S SERIOUS PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE interactive sessions • large-scale development projects • optimization • matrix inversions • decompositions • eigenvalues and eigenvectors • LAPACK engine • Intel® MKL • real and complex numbers • string matrices • interface to Stata datasets and matrices • numerical derivatives • object-oriented programming … more
GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE menus and dialogs for all features • Data Editor • Variables Manager • Graph Editor • Project Manager • Do-file Editor • multiple preference sets • … more
DOCUMENTATION 35 manuals • 18,000+ pages • seamless navigation • thousands of worked examples • quick starts • methods and formulas • references • … more
BASIC STATISTICS summaries • cross-tabulations • correlations • z and t tests • equality-of-variance tests • tests of proportions • confidence intervals • factor variables • … more
NONPARAMETRIC METHODS nonparametric regression • Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney, Wilcoxon signed ranks, and Kruskal–Wallis tests • Cochran–Armitage and other trend tests • Spearman and Kendall correlations • Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests • exact binomial CIs • survival data • ROC analysis • smoothing • bootstrapping • … more
NONLINEAR REGRESSION, GMM AND OTHER SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS generalized method of moments (GMM) • nonlinear regression • demand systems • … more
SIMPLE MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD specify likelihood using simple expressions • no programming required • survey data • standard, robust, bootstrap, and jackknife SEs • matrix estimators • … more
PROGRAMMABLE MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD user-specified functions • NR, DFP, BFGS, BHHH • OIM, OPG, robust, bootstrap, and jackknife SEs • Wald tests • survey data • numeric or analytic derivatives • … more
OTHER STATISTICAL METHODS kappa measure of interrater agreement • Cronbach’s alpha • stepwise regression • tests of normality • … more
FUNCTIONS statistical • random-number • mathematical • string • date and time • regular expressions • Unicode • … more
INTERNET CAPABILITIES search and download thousands of community-contributed features (see below) • web updating • web file sharing • latest Stata news • … more
COMMUNITY-CONTRIBUTED FEATURES search and download thousands of free additions • discover new features in the Stata Journal • share commands by posting to the SSC • discuss community-contributed features on Statalist • … more
INSTALLATION QUALIFICATION IQ report for regulatory agencies such as the FDA • installation verification … more
FDA COMPLIANCE Adherence to FDA regulatory requirement for statistical software … more
ACCESSIBILITY Section 508 compliance, accessibility for persons with disabilities … more
Maggiori informazioni sui nuovi comandi e funzioni introdotti in Stata 18 possono essere ottenuti cliccando sull’argomento di interesse nella tabella sottostante.
The new bma suite performs Bayesian model averaging to account for model uncertainty in user’s analysis. If researchers are uncertain as to which predictors to include in their linear regression model? They can use bmaregress to find out which predictors are important. Perform model choice, inference, and prediction. Use many postestimation commands to explore influential models, model complexity, model fit and predictive performance, sensitivity analysis to the assumptions about importance of models and predictors.
CAUSAL MEDIATION ANALYSIS The new mediate command extends Stata’s powerful causal-inference suite to support causal mediation analysis. Causal analysis identifies and quantifies causal effects. Causal mediation analysis disentangles them. Are these effects mediated through another variable, a mediator?
Choose one of 23 combinations of outcome and mediator models, including linear, logit, and Poisson, to estimate the total effect and decompose it into direct and indirect (through the mediator) effects. Compute controlled direct effects and proportion mediated. Recast effects into odds, risk, and incidence-rate ratios. Plot estimated effects. Obtain predictions. …more
TABLES OF DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Easily create your Table 1 with the new dtable command. Report descriptive statistics. Compare statistics across groups. Export to Word, Excel, PDF, HTML.
GROUP SEQUENTIAL DESIGNS FOR CLINICAL TRIALS Designing a clinical trial? In Stata 18, researchers can use the new gsbounds and gsdesign commands to calculate stopping boundaries for group sequential trials. What sample size is required for each interim analysis? Use gsdesign to find out.
Group sequential designs (GSDs) are a class of adaptive design for clinical trials. In a GSD, the sample size is not fixed in advance; instead, pre-planned interim analyses are conducted to allow early stopping for efficacy or futility. This is done by defining stopping boundaries that control the familywise error rate. gsdesign calculates stopping boundaries and sample sizes for interim analyses with tests of means, proportions, survivor functions, and even user-defined methods. …more
ROBUST INFERENCE FOR LINEAR MODELS Stata 18 offers more precise standard errors and confidence intervals (CIs) for three commonly used linear models in Stata: regress, areg, and xtreg, fe.
Small number of clusters? Uneven number of observations per cluster? Use HC2 with degrees-of-freedom adjustment, option vce(hc2 …, dfadjust), or wild cluster bootstrap to obtain valid inference.
Multiple nonnested clusters? Use multiway clustering, option vce(cluster group1 group2 … groupk), to account for potential correlation of observations within different clusters. …more
WILD CLUSTER BOOTSTRAP Do your data have a small number of clusters or an uneven number of observations per cluster? Do you want to make inferences about parameters in a linear model? With the new wildbootstrap command, you can now use wild cluster bootstrap (WCB) in these situations. … more
ESTIMATION OF FLEXIBLE DEMAND SYSTEMS Eight flexible demands systems in just one convenient command—demandsys! Choose from the Cobb–Douglas demand system, almost ideal demand system (AIDS), generalized AIDS, and more. Estimate the demand for a basket of goods. Compute expenditure and price elasticities to evaluate sensitivity to expenditure and price changes. …more
TVCS WITH INTERVAL-CENSORED COX MODEL Stata 17 introduced the stintcox command to fit genuine semiparametric Cox models to interval-censored event-time data. Stata 18 adds support for time-varying covariates (TVCs), commonly used in practice to record characteristics that change during follow-up. So, whether you have a biomarker variable or a policy variable that changes with time, you can now include them to model events of interest known only to lie within some time interval. For instance, the event may be a recurrence of cancer or a change in employment status recorded during one of the follow-ups. Both are examples of interval-censored event-time data, in which the event time is not observed exactly.
Use stintcox to create TVCs automatically by interacting existing covariates with specified deterministic functions of time or specify your own TVCs in the new multiple-record-per-subject data format. Use TVCs to test the proportional-hazards assumption with the Wald test or likelihood-ratio test. And incorporate TVCs in your predictions and plots of survivor and other functions. …more
GOODNESS-OF-FIT PLOTS FOR SURVIVAL MODELS Stata 18 provides the new estat gofplot command to produce goodness-of-fit (GOF) plots for survival models. You can use it after four survival models: right-censored Cox (stcox), interval-censored Cox (stintcox), right-censored parametric (streg), and interval-censored parametric (stintreg). Check model fit after stratified models or separately for each by-group.
GOF plots provide visual checks for how well the model fits the data. In survival analysis, these checks are based on so-called Cox–Snell residuals and the assumption that, if a model is correct, these residuals should have a standard exponential distribution. Visually, this assumption is assessed by plotting the residuals against their estimated cumulative hazard—the closer the plotted values are to the 45° line, the better the fit (Cox and Snell 1968). …more
LASSO FOR COX PROPORTIONAL HAZARDS MODELS If you have time-to-event data, also known as survival-time or failure-time data, and many predictors, check out the lasso cox and elasticnet cox commands. (And when we say many predictors, we mean hundreds, thousands, or more!) New in Stata 18, these commands expand the existing lasso suite for prediction and model selection to include a high-dimensional semiparametric Cox proportional hazards model.
After lasso cox and elasticnet cox, you can use stcurve to plot the survivor, failure, hazard, or cumulative hazard function or use any of the other postestimation tools available after lasso and elasticnet. …more
HETEROGENEOUS DIFFERENCE IN DIFFERENCES (DID) When average treatment effects vary over time and over cohort, you can now use the new hdidregress and xthdidregress commands to estimate heterogeneous average treatment effects on the treated (ATETs). Use hdidregress with repeated cross-sectional data and xthdidregress with panel data. Choose from one of four estimators, including regression adjustment and inverse-probability weighting. Plot ATETs time profiles for each cohort with estat atetplot. Aggregate the ATETs within cohort, time, and exposure to treatment with estat aggregation. Explore more postestimation features.
Treatment effects measure the causal effect of a treatment on an outcome. A treatment is a new drug regimen, a surgical procedure, a training program, or even an ad campaign intended to affect an outcome such as blood pressure, mobility, employment, or sales. It is of interest to estimate an ATET.
The standard difference-in-differences (DID) estimator, implemented in existing commands didregress and xtdidregress, estimates an ATET that is common to all groups across time. When groups are treated at different points in time, the assumption about a constant ATET may be violated. The new commands implement estimation methods that account for heterogeneity of the ATET and provide cohort-specific and time-specific ATET estimates. …more
MULTILEVEL META-ANALYSIS You want to analyze results from multiple studies, in which the reported effect sizes are nested within higher-level groupings such as regions or schools. Stata 18 adds two new commands, meta meregress and meta multilevel, to the meta suite to perform multilevel meta-analysis and meta-regression. Include random intercepts and coefficients at different levels of hierarchy, and assume different random-effects covariance structures, including exchangeable and unstructured. Perform sensitivity analysis by placing various constraints on variance components. Assess heterogeneity. Predict random effects and their comparative and diagnostic standard errors. And more.
Multilevel meta-analysis is a powerful statistical tool to synthesize effect sizes with a hierarchical structure, such as in a meta-analysis exploring the impact of a new teaching technique on math testing scores in different school districts. Here the effect sizes are nested within schools that are themselves nested within districts. Multilevel meta-analysis allows us not only to determine the overall effect of the technique but also to assess the variability among the effect sizes at different levels of the hierarchy. This is important because studies within the same district are likely to be similar and thus potentially dependent, and ignoring this dependence may lead to inaccurate results. By properly accounting for the dependence among the effect sizes, we can produce more accurate inference and gain a better understanding of the impact of the teaching technique. …more
META-ANALYSIS FOR PREVALENCE The meta suite now supports meta-analysis (MA) of one proportion, or prevalence. Multiple types of effect sizes, confidence intervals, and back-transformations are supported. All standard meta-analysis features such as forest plots and subgroup analysis are supported.
The traditional MA deals with two-sample binary or continuous data where the outcome of interest is measured across two groups typically labeled as the treatment and control groups. For example, an MA may compare the risk of contracting a disease (binary outcome) across two groups: the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Or maybe we want to contrast weight loss (continuous outcome) between two groups of subjects that followed different diets, say, keto versus intermittent fasting.
This two-group setting, however, is not always present in an MA. For example, the United Nations may conduct an MA to evaluate the prevalence of a certain disease across countries to allocate the proper resources to combat it. Or maybe the Department of Education performs an MA to assess the proportion of high school dropouts and uses its results to guide the budget for K–12 education. In both examples, we have one-sample binary data, in which the subjects belong to a single group and the interest lies in the proportion of individuals that experienced a certain event (contracting the disease in the first example and dropping out of high school in the second). In this setting, effect sizes such as Freeman–Tukey-transformed proportions or logit-transformed proportions are typically used in the MA.
LOCAL PROJECTIONS FOR IMPULSE–RESPONSE FUNCTIONS With impulse–repsonse functions, you can find out how a shock to one variable affects other variables over time. With local projections, you can estimate impulse–response functions directly using multistep regressions. Use the new lpirf command to estimate local projections, and graph or tabulate them with the irf suite. …more
MODEL SELECTION FOR ARIMA AND ARFIMA Want to find the best ARIMA or ARFIMA model for your data? Compare potential models using AIC, BIC, and HQIC. Use the new arimasoc and arfimasoc commands to select the best number of autoregressive and moving-average terms.
Researchers using autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models must decide on the proper number of lags to include for the autoregressive and moving-average parameters in their models. Information criteria, which balance model fit against model parsimony, often guide the choice of the maximum number of lags. |
arimasoc and arfimasoc assist in model selection by fitting a collection of autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) or autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (ARFIMA) models and computing information criteria for each model. arimasoc and arfimasoc compute the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and the Hannan–Quinn information criterion (HQIC). The selected model is the one with the lowest value of the information criterion. …more
RELATIVE EXCESS RISK DUE TO INTERACTION (RERI) How do exposures interact to increase risk? Do you suspect that interaction is additive? Use reri to find out. Three measures of two-way interactions are provided: RERI, AP, and SI. Many models that estimate RR are supported, including logistic, binomial generalized linear, and survival. …more
SPLINE FUNCTION GENERATION Often, we do not want to make functional form assumptions about the data we analyze. We may want to fit a regression of an outcome on a set of regressors and be agnostic about the functional form of the regressors. Spline basis functions are flexible approximations to the functional form of the regressors. We may also want to visualize the relationship between an outcome and a regressor or between variables. We may use splines to visualize this relationship without claiming linearity or other functional forms.
In Stata 18, you can use the new makespline command to generate B-spline, piecewise polynomial spline, and restricted cubic spline basis functions from a list of existing variables. For example, we could type
. makespline bspline x1 x2 x3 x4 ...x100
to form 100 third-order B-spline basis functions, one for each variable from x1 to x100. We can now use any of the basis functions to fit a model and be agnostic about the relationship of the covariates and an outcome of interest. Or we could visualize the relationship of the outcome of interest and any of the basis function components that makespline generated. …more
CORRECTED AIC AND CONSISTENT AIC By popular request, the existing estat ic and estimates stats commands now support two new model-selection criteria: corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) and consistent AIC (CAIC). The new option all displays all available information criteria. The new option df() specifies the degrees of freedom to compute the information criteria. …more
INSTRUMENTAL-VARIABLES FRACTIONAL PROBIT MODEL Fractional outcomes are common. You might be modeling participation rates in a 401(k) pension plan, the pass rate on standardized tests, expenditure shares, or the like.
Fractional response models are a flexible and intuitive way to model outcomes that lie between 0 and 1. They do not have the problem of linear models that will yield predictions outside 0 and 1 or the problem of log-odds models that are undefined at 0 and 1. Fractional response models can be fit using the fracreg command.
What if you are concerned that one or more of your model covariates are endogenous? With the new ivfprobit command, you can fit a model for a fractional dependent variable and account for endogeneity in one or more of the covariates. …more
INSTRUMENTAL-VARIABLES QUANTILE REGRESSION When we want to study the effects of covariates on different quantiles of the outcome, we use quantile regression. But what if we suspect that a covariate is endogenous? The new ivqregress command models quantiles of the outcome and, at the same time, controls for problems that arise from endogeneity. …more
STATA GRAPHS HAVE AN ALL-NEW STYLE Stata has an all-new default graph style. …more
GRAPH COLORS BY VARIABLE Want colors of the points in your scatterplot to reflect age groups? Or want the color of bars in your bar graph to reflect income level? Or want the colors of dots in your dot plot to reflect health status? In Stata 18, the new colorvar() option allows many twoway plots to vary the color of markers, bars, and more based on the values of a variable. …more
ALIAS VARIABLES ACROSS FRAMES Stata supports multiple datasets in memory; each dataset resides in a frame. In Stata 18, you can now work with variables from different frames as if they exist in one.
When datasets are related, you can link their frames by using the frlink command to identify the variables that match the observations in the current frame with observations in the related frame.
Alias variables, created by the new fralias add command, define references to variables in linked frames. These variables take up very little memory because the observations are actually stored in another frame.
Stata treats alias variables like any other variable in your dataset, with the exception that you are not allowed to change their values. For a given alias variable, if you change the corresponding variable’s values in the linked frame, the changed values are automatically available the next time you use the alias variable. …more
SAVING, USING, AND DESCRIBING A SET OF FRAMES You work with multiple datasets in memory, also known as frames. When those datasets are related—perhaps they are used in the same project or linked to each other—you can now bundle them in a frameset. Save all of the datasets in one file. Use them all together later. …more
BOOST-BASED REGULAR EXPRESSIONS Regular expressions are powerful tools for working with string data. Stata’s regular expressions have become even more powerful, with more features, in Stata 18. …more
VECTORIZED NUMERICAL INTEGRATION Numerical integration is used in many computations of integrals when the analytic solutions are not available or difficult to calculate. Vectorized numerical integration approximates a vector of univariate numerical integrations simultaneously.
Mata’s new class, QuadratureVec(), is functionally the same as Quadrature(), except that it handles a vector of integration problems more conveniently. More precisely, QuadratureVec() approximates a vector of univariate integrals numerically by the adaptive Gauss–Kronrod method (the adaptive Simpson method is also provided for comparison).
QuadratureVec() is used in the same way as Quadrature() in only four steps, namely, creating an instance of the class QuadratureVec(), specifying the evaluator functions, setting the limits, and performing the computations. …more
NEW REPORTING FEATURES Reproducible reports allow us to streamline the process of presenting our findings as our analyses change. Whether the direction of our work changes or we implement feedback from our peers, creating a report with the findings of our research is rarely a one-time task. Stata’s reproducible reporting features allow us to easily modify and adapt our reports as our analyses change.
In Stata 18, we have added features for putdocx and putexcel that allow you to further customize your reproducible reports. Now you can include headers, footers, and page breaks with putexcel. You can also freeze a row or column in the worksheet; this allows you to maintain information from that row or column in view, while scrolling through the rest of the sheet. Additionally, you can create a named cell range to simplify working with formulas. We have also added support for bookmarks with putdocx; simply format your text as a bookmark, and link to it as needed. Additionally, when adding an image to a .docx file, you can now specify alternative text for the image to be read by voice software.
The dtable command is another new reporting feature in Stata 18. Learn more here about how you can use it to easily create a table of descriptive statistics, often called a “Table 1”. …more
DO-FILE EDITOR ENHANCEMENTS Automatic backups and syntax highlighting of user-defined keywords are now available in Stata’s Do-file Editor.
Automatic backups. Documents that are open in the Do-file Editor are periodically saved to a backup file on disk. This includes new documents that haven’t been saved to disk yet. If your computer were to lose power or crash before you had a chance to save the changes to your document, your unsaved changes can still be recovered. To recover your unsaved changes, open your document in the Do-file Editor again. If a backup file is found in the same location as your document, you will be prompted to recover the backup file or open the document that was last saved to disk. Recovering the backup file will simply load it into the Do-file Editor; it will not overwrite the document that was saved to disk unless you choose to do so.
Syntax-highlight user-defined keywords. Stata’s Do-file Editor now includes the ability to syntax highlight user-defined keywords. This will allow you to syntax highlight your favorite community-contributed commands. You simply create a specially named keyword definition file containing a list of keywords, and Stata will syntax highlight those keywords using a settable color and font styles such as bold or italics. You can even create a global keyword definition file that can be shared to all users of the same computer. Each user can still create their own local keyword definition file, and the keywords from both the global file and the local file will be loaded into the Do-file Editor. …more
DATA EDITOR ENHANCEMENTS The Data Editor has been rewritten for Stata 18. Users of previous versions of Stata will find the new Data Editor very familiar, but Stata 18 includes a host of new features, including pinnable rows and columns, resizable cell editors, tooltips for truncated text, the ability to show variable labels in the column headers, and proportional-width fonts. …more
Click here to download StataCorp licensing conditions.
By installing or using the licensed software from Statacorp LLC (“Statacorp”), the individual if acting on behalf of himself or herself (“individual customer”) or the individual who is acting on behalf of an educational or nonprofit institution, governmental agency, or other entity (“entity customer”, the individual customer and entity customer together are “customer”) is agreeing to be bound by this software license agreement (“agreement”).
If customer does not agree to the terms of this agreement, customer may not install, copy, or use the licensed software. The “effective date” for this agreement is the day customer installs the software.
“Activation Key” means, collectively, the specific Serial Number, code, and authorization for each copy of the Licensed Software issued by StataCorp to Customer.
“Affiliates” or “Affiliate” means an entity, institution, or organization that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another entity, institution, or organization, with at least majority ownership.
“Authorized Reseller” means an authorized distributor, authorized reseller, or dealer of the Licensed Software.
“Authorized User” means an employee, contractor, registered student, research assistant, or agent of Entity Customer authorized by Entity Customer to use the Licensed Software.
“Concurrent Authorized Users” means Authorized Users who use the software at the same time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
“Confidential Information” has the meaning set forth in Section 7 of this Agreement.
“Customer Enhancements” means enhancements to Stata Special Files in which the copyright is owned by Customer and which are derivative works of the StataCorp Enhancements.
“Documentation” means the user manuals and supporting documentation in electronic form provided with the Licensed Software under this Agreement.
“License Fee” means the applicable fee for which Customer licenses the Licensed Software.
“License Period” means (a) a specific fixed term as set forth in the License and Activation Key or (b) perpetual as set forth in the License and Activation Key, unless Licensed Software is terminated as provided below.
“Licensed Software” means the specific software licensed to Customer under the terms of this Agreement (as specified in the License and Activation Key issued to Customer), including any Updates and Upgrades thereto.
“Serial Number” means a set of unique characters associated with a specific copy of the Licensed Software issued by StataCorp to Customer (based on the specific configuration and release of the Licensed Software and the license type, license term, and/or number of Concurrent Authorized Users).
“StataCorp Enhancements” means Stata Special Files or enhancements to Stata Special Files in which the copyright is owned by StataCorp or distributed by StataCorp from time to time. StataCorp Enhancements are not defined as Software. “StataCorp Website” means www.stata.com.
“Stata Special Files” are files with file extensions of .ado, .class, .dlg, .idlg, .hlp., .ihlp, .mata, .mnu, .scheme, .sthlp, or .style. These files may be modified and distributed by the Customer pursuant to the terms and conditions of this license.
“Update” means a revision to the Licensed Software or patch that improves the functionality of the Licensed Software, and may contain new features or enhancements, which is not an Upgrade.
“Upgrade” means a subsequent version of the Licensed Software that StataCorp designates as a new release and makes generally commercially available or a different edition of the Licensed Software that StataCorp makes generally commercially available.
2.1 License and Activation Key. StataCorp shall issue Customer a “License and Activation Key” via email, fax, postal mail, or courier (e.g., FedEx, UPS, DHL) that sets forth the specific Licensed Software, the specific number of Concurrent Authorized Users for Entity Customers, and the Activation Key associated with the Licensed Software (the License and Activation Key). The License and Activation Key is hereby incorporated by reference into this Agreement. Certain of the licenses in Section 2.2(b) permit use by Authorized Users of Entity Customer and the Entity Customer is responsible for compliance of all such Authorized Users with the Agreement and shall be liable for the breach of the terms of this Agreement by such Authorized Users.
2.2 Licenses.
(a) Single-User License Grant. This Section 2.2(a) applies only to an Individual Customer whose License and Activation Key issued by StataCorp specifies the “License Type” as “Single User”. A Single-User license is for a named individual who is identified as the only Authorized User. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, StataCorp grants to Customer a non-assignable, nontransferable license, without the right to sublicense, to use the Licensed Software, in object-code form only, solely for Customer’s internal business, research, or educational purposes, and solely by the Individual Customer.
(b) Concurrent Authorized-User License Grant.
(i) Network License Grant – Licensed Software. This Section 2.2(b) (i) applies only to a Customer whose License and Activation Key issued by StataCorp specifies the “License Type” as “Network”. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, StataCorp grants to Customer a non-assignable, nontransferable license, without the right to sublicense, to use the Licensed Software, in object-code form only, within a single local geographic location or physical site solely for Customer’s internal business, research, or educational purposes. Customer is authorized by StataCorp to install the Licensed Software on an unlimited number of machines as long as Customer has a site license agreement with StataCorp authorizing this, or as long as the specific number of Concurrent Authorized Users for which Customer has paid the applicable License Fee is not exceeded.
(ii) Compute-Server License Grant – Licensed Software. This Section 2.2(b) (ii) applies only to a Customer whose License and Activation Key issued by StataCorp specifies the “License Type” as “Compute Server”. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, StataCorp grants to Customer a non-assignable, nontransferable license, without the right to sublicense, to use and execute the Licensed Software, in object-code form only, installed on a single compute server solely for Customer’s internal business, research, or educational purposes. Customer is authorized by StataCorp to install the Licensed Software on only one compute server or one node of a cluster solely for the use of the specific number of Concurrent Authorized Users for which Customer has paid the applicable License Fee.
(iii) Student Lab License Grant – Licensed Software. This Section 2.2(b) (iii) applies only to a Customer whose License and Activation Key issued by StataCorp specifies the “License Type” as “Student Lab”. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, StataCorp grants to Customer a non-assignable, nontransferable license, without the right to sublicense, to use the Licensed Software, in object-code form only, solely in an educational student lab environment (including virtual lab environments) for teaching purposes (but not for research purposes) within a degree-granting institution. Customer is authorized to install the Licensed Software on an unlimited number of machines as long as the specific number of Concurrent Authorized Users for which Customer has paid the applicable License Fee is not exceeded.
(iv) Customer Obligations. This Section 2.2(b) (iv) applies to a Customer whose License and Activation Key issued by StataCorp specifies the “License Type” as “Network”, “Compute Server”, or “Student Lab”. Customer is responsible for managing the usage of the Licensed Software to ensure that such usage does not exceed the specific number of Concurrent Authorized Users for which Customer has paid the applicable License Fee. Customer may add additional Concurrent Authorized Users to Customer’s account for the Licensed Software by placing an order with StataCorp or an Authorized Reseller.
2.3 Documentation License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, StataCorp grants to Customer a non- assignable, nontransferable license, without the right to sublicense, to use the Documentation in connection with Customer’s authorized use of the Licensed Software. Customer may not reproduce or distribute the Documentation in any manner, whether physically or electronically, without the express written permission of StataCorp. Entity Customer may make the Documentation available on any website or private network administered by the Entity Customer.
2.4 Activation Key. StataCorp shall issue to Customer a License and Activation Key for each copy of the Licensed Software. Customer is entirely responsible for any and all activities that occur under Customer’s account and all charges incurred from use of the copy of the Licensed Software assigned by Serial Number to Customer (e.g., maintenance, support, or license or subscription fee charges). The Licensed Software shall be deemed accepted upon the delivery of the Activation Key to Customer by StataCorp or an Authorized Reseller.
2.5 License to StataCorp Enhancements. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, StataCorp grants to Customer a non-assignable, nontransferable, royalty-free license, without the right to sublicense, to use the StataCorp Enhancements solely with the Software for Customer’s internal business, research, or educational purposes. In addition, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, StataCorp grants to Customer a non-assignable, nontransferable, royalty-free license to modify, reproduce, and distribute the StataCorp Enhancements to create Customer Enhancements solely for use with the Software. Customer may distribute the Customer Enhancements to third parties either at no charge or for a fee. THE STATACORP ENHANCEMENTS ARE PROVIDED TO CUSTOMER ON AN ‘AS IS’ AND ‘WHERE IS’ BASIS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY TYPE OR KIND. STATACORP AND ITS THIRD-PARTY LICENSORS HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM AND EXCLUDE ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE STATACORP ENHANCEMENTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON- INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD-PARTY RIGHTS.
2.6 License to Customer Enhancements. If Customer submits Customer Enhancements to StataCorp or makes Customer Enhancements generally available for modification, use, or distribution without charge by third parties, Customer grants to StataCorp a perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, royalty-free license to modify, reproduce, and distribute the Customer Enhancements, with the right to sublicense through multiple tiers of distribution. THE CUSTOMER ENHANCEMENTS ARE PROVIDED TO STATACORP ON AN ‘AS IS’ AND ‘WHERE IS’ BASIS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY TYPE OR KIND. CUSTOMER HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, WHETHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO THE CUSTOMER ENHANCEMENTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD-PARTY RIGHTS.
2.7 Restrictions. Customer shall not, nor permit any person (including any Authorized User) to: (i) reverse engineer, reverse compile, decrypt, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of the Licensed Software (except to the extent that this restriction is expressly prohibited by law); (ii) modify, translate, or create derivative works of the Licensed Software; (iii) sublicense, resell, rent, lease, distribute, market, commercialize, or otherwise transfer rights or usage to the Licensed Software (except as expressly permitted under this Agreement); (iv) remove, modify, or obscure any copyright notices or other proprietary notices or legends appearing on or in the Licensed Software, or any portion thereof; (v) transfer, use, or export the Licensed Software in violation of any applicable laws, rules, or regulations of any government or governmental agency; (vi) use the Licensed Software or any system services accessed through the Licensed Software to disrupt, disable, or otherwise harm the operations, software, hardware, equipment, and/or systems of a business, institution, or other entity, including, without limitation, exposing the business, institution, or other entity to any computer virus, trojan horse, or other harmful, disruptive, or unauthorized component; or (vii) embed the Licensed Software in any third-party applications, unless otherwise authorized in writing in advance by an officer of StataCorp.
2.8 Ownership. The Licensed Software, StataCorp Enhancements, and Documentation contain copyrighted material and other proprietary material and information of StataCorp and/or its licensors. StataCorp and/or its licensors shall retain all right, title, and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to the Licensed Software, StataCorp Enhancements, and Documentation. Customer will not remove, alter, or destroy any form of copyright notice, proprietary markings, or confidential legends placed upon or contained within the Licensed Software, StataCorp Enhancements, or Documentation, or any component thereof.
3.1 Technical Support. StataCorp agrees to provide Customer with technical support services which include periodic distribution of bug fixes and minor enhancements as Updates scheduled by StataCorp. All registered users of the then-current release of Stata are eligible for free limited technical support. Installation support inquiries by telephone will be accepted by StataCorp during normal business hours. Technical support email inquiries are accepted at any time and will be answered during normal StataCorp business hours. StataCorp will attempt to respond to inquiries within the same business day.
3.2 Updates and Upgrades. To receive and use an Upgrade, Customer must pay the applicable fees for that Upgrade and agree to StataCorp’s standard terms and conditions governing the use of that Upgrade. If no such standard terms and conditions are stated by StataCorp, the terms of this Agreement shall apply and the Upgrade shall be deemed Licensed Software. StataCorp will issue a new Activation Key for the Upgrade. For a Single-User license, once StataCorp issues the new Activation Key for an Upgrade version, Customer shall be able to continue to use the prior version of the Licensed Software until any License Period has expired. For Network, Compute Server, and Student Lab licenses, once StataCorp issues the new Activation Key for an Upgrade, Customer shall be able to continue to use the prior version of the Licensed Software on the condition that the total, combined number of Concurrent Authorized Users who are using the Licensed Software (either the prior version, Upgrade, or both) does not exceed the specific number of Concurrent Authorized Users for which Customer has paid the applicable fee and until any License Period has expired. For a Single-User license, technical support services are provided only for the Customer of the then-current version of the Licensed Software. For any other type of license selected by Customer (i.e., Network, Compute Server, or Student Lab), technical support services are provided only for the Authorized Users of the then-current version of the Licensed Software.
4.1 Limited Media Warranty. For thirty (30) days from the date of purchase, StataCorp warrants that the media on which the Licensed Software, StataCorp Enhancements, and Documentation is furnished shall be free from defects in material and faulty workmanship. Customer may return for replacement, without charge, any media that fails to meet this limited media warranty to StataCorp or the dealer from whom the Licensed Software (and StataCorp Enhancements) was purchased, as applicable, within the 30-day period. StataCorp or the applicable dealer will not be responsible for replacing any media that contains defects due to Customer’s misuse. THE FOREGOING IS CUSTOMER’S SOLE REMEDY, AND STATACORP’S SOLE OBLIGATION, WITH RESPECT TO A BREACH OF THE LIMITED MEDIA WARRANTY.
4.2 Performance Warranty. StataCorp represents and warrants for a period of 90 days from the date of the order that the Licensed Software substantially conforms to the functional specifications in the Stata Reference Manual. StataCorp will repair or replace the Licensed Software if this warranty is breached unless it cannot do so within a reasonable period of time, then StataCorp will refund the fee paid for that license under the order (this Agreement will then terminate). Customer must notify StataCorp during the warranty period or 30 days after it ends of any alleged breach of the warranty. THIS SECTION CONTAINS CUSTOMER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND STATACORP’S SOLE LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY.
4.3 No Disabling Code. With respect to the Licensed Software (including any Updates or Upgrades) and as of the date of delivery, StataCorp represents and warrants that (i) it has used commercially reasonable efforts consistent with industry standards to scan for and remove any software viruses, and (ii) it has not inserted any Disabling Code. “Disabling Code” means computer code inserted by StataCorp that is not addressed in the Documentation and that is designed to delete, interfere with, or disable the normal operation of the Products. This Disabling Code warranty does not apply to StataCorp passwords necessary for the operation of the Licensed Software, to the Licensed Software’s Activation Key requirement, or for any use by Customer outside the scope of the license.
5.1 Term. If License Period is not for a fixed term, this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue in effect until terminated as set forth below. If the License Period is for a fixed term, this Agreement will commence on the Effective Date and shall continue until the earlier to occur of the expiration of the License Period or the termination of this Agreement as set forth below. In the case of additional Concurrent Authorized Users who are authorized and added after the initial License Fee payment, the term of their usage of the Licensed Software shall be coterminous with the preexisting then-current term. If Customer purchases an Upgrade, the term of the Agreement shall be the specific term set forth in the new License and Activation Key issued for the Upgrade.
5.2 Termination. Customer may terminate this Agreement at any time with written notice to StataCorp. StataCorp may terminate this Agreement immediately without notice if Customer breaches any term of this Agreement, including, without limitation, breaching the scope of the license granted or confidentiality obligations under this Agreement.
5.3 Effect of Expiration or Termination. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, (i) the rights and licenses granted to Customer pursuant to this Agreement shall automatically and immediately terminate and (ii) Customer shall immediately cease using the Licensed Software. In addition, for a fixed-term License Period, upon expiration of the License Period, the Activation Key will expire and the Licensed Software will cease to function. Sections 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 4.4, 5.3, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of this Agreement shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.
6.1 Fees and Payment Terms. Customer licenses the Licensed Software from StataCorp. This Agreement is between Customer and StataCorp solely. The applicable License Fee is specified on the StataCorp Website or in the specific price proposal provided by StataCorp or an Authorized Reseller. The payment terms and conditions for the License Fee payable to StataCorp are specified on the StataCorp invoice or in the specific price proposal provided by StataCorp. The payment terms and conditions for the License Fee payable to an Authorized Reseller are as specified by the specific Authorized Reseller. All fees paid to StataCorp are non-refundable except as explicitly permitted from time to time on the StataCorp Website. StataCorp may terminate this Agreement and invalidate Customer’s Activation Key if the billing or contact information is false, fraudulent, or invalid. Customer will pay all taxes, including sales, use, personal property, value-added, excise, customs fees, import duties, stamp duties, and any other similar taxes and duties, including penalties and interest, imposed by any United States federal, state, provincial, or local government entity or any non-U.S. government entity on the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, excluding taxes based upon StataCorp’s net income. StataCorp will not collect, and Customer will not pay, any sales tax for which a valid and properly completed sales tax exemption or resale certificate is provided. Customer bears sole responsibility for any withholding taxes assessable by any local, state, provincial, or foreign jurisdiction. Should such taxes be deducted from the total amount payable, Customer is still liable for the full License Fee payable to StataCorp.
6.2 Additional Concurrent Authorized Users Fee. During the License Period, Customer shall pay to StataCorp or the specific Authorized Reseller the then-current rate for any licenses for additional Concurrent Authorized Users. This fee shall be charged or invoiced to Customer on the date such additional Concurrent Authorized Users are added to Customer’s account.
6.3 Concurrent Authorized User Accounting. Customer shall maintain business practices and records necessary to manage the number of Concurrent Authorized Users and compliance with the terms of this Agreement. StataCorp has the right to request usage reports during the License Period and Customer will provide such a report within 30 days of request. If StataCorp determines that Customer has more Concurrent Authorized Users than Customer has paid for, Customer shall immediately pay StataCorp the applicable additional fees.
Customer and StataCorp agree to maintain the confidentiality of any confidential or proprietary information of one party (the “disclosing party”) received by the other party (the “receiving party”) during the term of, or prior to entering into, this Agreement that the receiving party should know is considered confidential or proprietary by the disclosing party based on the circumstances surrounding the disclosure, including, without limitation, non-public technical and business information (“Confidential Information”). The Licensed Software is copyrighted and shall be deemed StataCorp’s Confidential Information. The Documentation is copyrighted material of StataCorp. This section shall not apply to any information that is or becomes publicly available through no breach of this Agreement by the receiving party or is independently developed by the receiving party without access to or use of the Confidential Information of the disclosing party. The foregoing confidentiality obligations will not restrict either party from disclosing Confidential Information of the other party pursuant to the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other governmental body, provided that the party required to make such a disclosure gives reasonable notice to the other party to enable the other party to seek a protective order or otherwise limit such disclosure. The receiving party of any Confidential Information of the disclosing party agrees not to use the disclosing party’s Confidential Information for any purpose except as necessary to fulfill its obligations and exercise its rights under this Agreement. The receiving party shall protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure and unauthorized use of the disclosing party’s Confidential Information with no less than reasonable care. All the disclosing party’s information remains the property of the disclosing party.
The Licensed Software under this Agreement is “commercial computer software” as that term is described in DFAR 252.227- 7014(a)(1). If acquired by or on behalf of a civilian agency, the U.S. Government acquires this commercial computer software and/or commercial computer software documentation subject to the terms and this Agreement as specified in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Computer Software) and 12.111(Technical Data) of the Federal Acquisition Regulations (“FAR”) and its successors. If acquired by or on behalf of any agency within the Department of Defense (“DOD”), the U.S. Government acquires this commercial computer software and/or commercial computer software documentation subject to the terms of this Agreement as specified in 48 C.F.R. 227.7202 of the DOD FAR Supplement and its successors.
10. ICD-10 USERS.
The World Health Organization (WHO) ICD-10 codes are provided as part of the Licensed Software with the expressed permission and direction of the WHO. The use of ICD-10 with Licensed Software does not imply any endorsement of Licensed Software by WHO. The ICD-10 codes shall not be amended, abridged, translated, deleted or in any way changed without the consent of WHO. The ICD-10 codes are for the use of Authorized User. They are not to be reproduced, transmitted or distributed outside of Authorized User’s organization in any form or by any means except in summary results of analyses. ICD- 10 is distributed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages, including any general, special, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of the use of ICD-10.
Unless the Customer is required by statute or regulation to apply the law of a state other than Texas, this Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the federal U.S. laws applicable therein, excluding any conflicts of law provisions, and the Customer and StataCorp agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Harris County, Texas. If the statute or regulation applying to the Customer requires the application of a law of a state other than Texas, the parties agree that the terms of this Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the law specified in such statute or regulation, and the Customer shall give written notice of such requirement to StataCorp. The application of such different law shall be effective upon the receipt of such written notice by StataCorp.
Except as expressly provided herein, Customer may not assign or transfer any of its rights under this Agreement (including its licenses with respect to the Licensed Software and Documentation) without the prior written consent of StataCorp. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply to this Agreement. The failure of either party to require performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall not affect the full right to require such performance at any time thereafter, nor shall the waiver by either party of a breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of the provision itself. If any provision of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will be replaced to the extent possible by StataCorp with a provision that comes closest to the meaning of the original provision. This Agreement and the documents referenced in this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Customer and StataCorp relating to its subject matter and all terms herein and supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. This Agreement may be modified or changed only in writing signed by authorized representatives of Customer and StataCorp. Notices hereunder shall be in writing and addressed to Customer at the address provided when purchasing this license or, in the case of StataCorp, when addressed to StataCorp LLC, Attn: Vice President, Finance and Operations, 4905 Lakeway Drive, College Station, Texas 77845, USA.
Rev. April 2023
- Windows 10, 11*
- Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012R2*
*Stata per Windows richiede un processore 64-bit Windows x86-64 Intel® oppure processori AMD (Core i3 equivalente o migliori)
- Stata per Mac richiede processori Apple Silicon oppure Intel® (Core i3 o superiore)
- Per macchine con Apple Silicon è richiesto macOS 11.0 (Big Sur) o più recente
- Per macchine Macs con 64-bit processori Intel è richiesto macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) o più recente
- Qualsiasi macchina a 64 bit (Corse i3 o superiore) eseguibile in Linux
- Requisiti minimi: devono essere installate le librerie GNU C (glibc) 2.17 o superiori e libcurl4
- Controllare l’output di ldd -v all’interno del terminale
- Per xstata è necessario avere installato GTK 2.24
- RAM: Stata/BE richiede 1GB di memoria, Stata/SE 2 GB e Stata/MP 4 GB
- Spazio su disco fisso: Stata 18 richiede 2 GB di spazio sul disco fisso
- Ulteriori richieste Hardware Linux: Stata per Linux richiede una scheda video in grado di visualizzare almeno un migliaio di colori (16-bit o 24-bit colore)
Aggiornare gli updates ufficiali, comandi scritti da utenti di Stata ecc.
Il Boston College Statistical Software Components Archive (SSC), coordinato da Christopher Baum (baum@bc.edu) contiene tutti gli scambi di programmi completi o comandi scritti dagli utenti Stata dello Statalist. L’archivio contiene anche script e programmi di altri Software statistici e matematici, ed è possibile reperire tutti i contenuti tramite: i) IDEAS, presso l’Università del Quebec, Canada; e ii) EconPapers, presso la Scuola di Economia di Stoccolma (che può fornire un accesso più rapido agli utenti in Europa)
CONferenza Italiana degli Utenti di Stata
La Conferenza rappresenta un importante punto di riferimento fra gli utenti di Stata e un’occasione unica di scambio interdisciplinare. Sono infatti graditi sia contributi metodologici, sia analisi applicate in diversi campi di ricerca, nuovi comandi scritti dagli utenti, nonché disparate applicazioni in Economia, Biostatistica, Scienze Sociali, Psicologia e gestione dei dati.
La StataCorp offre ai propri clienti la possibilità di sottoscrivere un contratto di manutenzione annuale e semestrale che offre i seguenti vantaggi:
un aggiornamento gratuito all’ultima versione di Stata, nel caso in cui ne venga rilasciata una nuova durante il periodo di sottoscrizione al contratto di manutenzione;
accesso al servizio di supporto tecnico online sia di TStat che di StataCorp.
La documentazione completa in PDF, disponibile sia nella versione download sia nella versione con DVD del Software, composta da 35 manuali e più di 18.000 pagine, verrà archiviata automaticamente nella cartella c:\programmi\Stata18\docs in ambiente Windows, oppure dentro Applications/Stata/docs in ambiente Mac.
Il manuale Getting Started with Stata disponibile per Windows, Mac e Linux, contiene una breve e utile introduzione all’uso del software.
Gli utenti possono scaricare gli utili Cheat Sheats direttamente da:
- Data Analysis
- Programming
- Data Processing
- Data Transformation
- Data Visualization
- Plotting in Stata
- Dates and Times
- Call Python from Stata
Stata Journal è una rivista scientifica che contiene articoli recensiti relativi a Stata e sul software scritti dall’utente Stata. Stata Journal è incluso negli indici di citazioni scientifiche.
Al contrario di un corso di formazione di tipo tradizionale, dove gli iscritti devono frequentare il corso di persona, i NetCourse della StataCorp si svolgono completamente on-line dove gli iscritti entrano a far parte di un circuito chiuso di posta elettronica. I NetCourse sono quindi più facilmente accessibili dal punto di vista logistico ed economico rispetto ai corsi di tipo tradizionale. Inoltre la struttura dei corsi è molto più flessibile, dato che non ci sono vincoli d’orario. Normalmente i corsi sono divisi fra alcune sessioni; all’inizio di ogni sessione, gli iscritti ricevono tutto il materiale rilevante: dispense; risposte alle domande e soluzioni dagli esercizi fatti nella sessione precedente. Fra le sessioni c’è un periodo di interruzione che permette agli iscritti di: ripassare le precedenti lezioni; fare alcuni esercizi relativi alla materia dell’ultima sessione; discutere problemi/idee con gli altri partecipanti e il responsabile del corso. Alla fine del corso, il circuito di posta elettronica rimane aperto per un periodo predefinito per permettere discussioni fra i partecipanti e il responsabile.
Lo Statalist è un forum gestito dagli utenti di Stata tramite il quale tutti gli utenti, a partire dai neofiti ai più esperti, possono scambiare le informazioni, mantenendo un interessante e sempre acceso dialogo sulla statistica e su Stata. Per seguire il Forum è necessario registrarsi (gratuitamente) a: http://www.statalist.org/forums/register
Le pubblicazioni della Stata Press sono potenti strumenti per l’apprendimento non solo di particolari metodologie statistiche ma anche di come utilizzare il Software Stata nel modo più efficiente. I testi illustrano passo per passo l’applicazione in Stata di metodi di analisi sviluppati in vari campi di ricerca e sono un importante supporto di approfondimento per tutti gli utenti.
Per tutti coloro che desiderano approfondire l’utilizzo di Stata attraverso una serie di brevi Video Tutorial on-line.
Per tutti coloro che desiderano approfondire l’utilizzo di Stata a partire dall’uso del Software, migliorare le proprie abilità e competenze per sviluppare qualcosa di nuovo, imparare alcuni trucchi per migliorare il proprio lavoro in Stata e infine apprenderne le tecniche base per un uso quotidiano efficiente, la StataCorp ha sviluppato una serie di Webinars efficaci e coinvolgenti.
© Copyright StataCorp LLC 1996-2025
Stata è un software statistico completo le cui potenzialità sono in grado di soddisfare un’ampia gamma di utenti accademici e professionali, in discipline quali economia, sociologia, psicologia, biostatistica, epidemiologia e altre. Include una vasta gamma di funzioni statistiche (vedi la sezione principali caratteristiche) e piene capacità di data management. E’ facile da usare per utenti alle prime armi, ma allo stesso tempo offre opzioni di programmazione sofisticate per gli utenti più esperti.
Introduzione a Stata
Il corso fornisce gli strumenti necessari per permettere ai partecipanti di eseguire la gestione e l’analisi ...
Analisi della Sopravvivenza con Stata: un Case Study
Il corso L’Analisi della Sopravvivenza – Un Case Study si focalizza sui diversi aspetti legati alla ...
Machine Learning in Stata: Una Introduzione Modulo I
Il corso offre una introduzione ad alcune popolari tecniche di machine learning utilizzando il software Stata. ...
Machine Learning in Stata: Una Introduzione Modulo II
Il corso offre una introduzione ad alcune popolari tecniche di machine learning utilizzando il software Stata. ...
Regressione Lineare e Logistica in Ambito Sanitario con Stata
Il corso “Regressione Lineare e Logistica in Ambito Sanitario in Stata” offre ai partecipanti una panoramica delle tecniche ...